
I'm sitting here alone in darkness, waiting to be free,
Lonely and forlorn I am crying
I long for my time to come, death means just life
Please let me die in solitude

Hate is my only friend, pain is my father
Torment is delight to me
Death is my sanctuary, I seek it with pleasure
Please let me die in solitude

Receive my sacrifice, my lifeblood is exhausted!
No one gave love and understanding
Hear these words, vilifiers and pretenders
Please let me die in solitude

Earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to...
Earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust

Sitting here alone in darkness, waiting to be free,
Lonely and forlorn I am crying
I long for my time to come, death means just life
Please let me die in solitude

Earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to .... earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to .... earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to .... earth to earth
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust

And please let me die in solitude ...


Straight as an arrow
Defect defect
Not straight, not so straight

Reject reject
Towards anti-social
Standing on the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Mayday mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven

Straight as an arrow
Defect defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject reject
Towards anti-social

Standing on the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Mayday mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven!

Abea venit de la concert, duşat şi cu ochii sângerii de la atâta fum (da, am ochii sensibili la fum şi apă..). A fost super tare, printre cele mai tari concerte la care am asistat până acuma. Cam pe la ultimele 4 melodii, s-a format şi un fel de mosh pit, mai mult tentativă, hehe. Ultima melodie a fost Folclor. Dacă dura mai mult outro'ul încingeam o horă mare

Am fost înarmat cu multă energie, în ciuda internării recente în spital, a ficatului praf şi a anxietăţii. Cu un tricou cu In Flames şi multă răbdare, căci sound testing'ul le-a dat bătăi de cap băieţilor. Mult headbanging, ceva pogo, moshing, alea alea. A fost super ok. Atmosfera a fost demnă de un concert adevărat, cu toate cu nu eram decât cca. 50 de persoane, cred. Am fost dezamăgit că nu prea avea cine să mă scoată din mijlocul pit-ului. Bine, multe fete, nu s-au băgat aşa mulţi la mosh.
Însă, pe lângă toate acestea, performanţa celor de la Luna Amară a fost pur şi simplu impecabilă. Şi precum au spus şi ei, chiar că nu sunt "1 song band".
Tot respectul pentru băieţii ăştia, sunt extraordinari. A meritat să cumpăr albumul Loc Lipsă când a fost lansat prima oară. Din păcate mă cam lasă bugetul şi nu pot cumpăra şi "Don't let your dreams fall asleep", dar am să mă conformez şi am să îl cumpăr şi pe acesta.
Aş repeta experienţa asta oricând şi n-aş pierde un astfel de event pentru nimic în lume.

Mă ustură până şi fruntea de la atâta fum, cum puteţi fraţilor, puştoaice de 16 - 17 ani, 25 de ţigări una după cealaltă, am crezut că îmi dau cu ceva în cap după ce am ieşit la aer. Îmi arde faţa.

Stop fumatului, hai cu Luna Amară! =D

Vineri, 18 Septembrie, Luna Amară va concerta în club Fire.
"Concertul va incepe dupa ora 21 (maxim la 21:30, din cauza limitei de ora impusa de cei de la club, respectiv ora 23)" - Cuvintele lui Răzvan.

Restul concertelor şi eventurilor le aveţi la ei pe
blog, care de altfel, îl găsiţi şi la mine la blogroll.
I'll be there. Să nu uitaţi să veniţi şi voi!

În altă ordine de idei, mă cam doare ficatul, deci departe de a mă agita în vreun fel pe acolo, din păcate :'(.
Naiba mai ştie ce mi-au zis doctorii în alea 3 zile cât am stat internat în spital acum 1 saptămână.
E vorba de o anumită "chestie" (că nu ştiu cum să o numesc) la ficat, care este normală între 15 şi 17.
Eu am 67. Cu ajutorul băuturii şi a nopţilor nedormite, am făcut performanţa de a îl întrece şi pe tata la capitolul ăsta, lol.

Irelevant, însă.
Asta nu mă va împiedica în a fi prezent la evenimentele la care mi-am propus să fiu prezent în următoare luni.

Şi anume, găsiţi aici.
Chiar dacă sunt în dubii cu concertul celor de la IAMX.
Nu sunt cine ştie ce fan, dar mi se par foarte ok şi nu cred că o să-mi pară rău de banii daţi pe bilet.

And now, Katatonia - Unfurl

At city centre 9 pm
Just like you wrote
And I try to think about
Snow coming in
Just like before
I will be on stand-by

Releasing the vapour
Into the lung
Letting the wings unfurl
And for a moment i feel young
Icall on the bird

It’s time to choose side now
That’s what you said
When we talked on the phone
So white our eyes
You are still
Are you paralyzed?


Una din obsesiile mele, în materie de muzică, este reprezentată chiar de Alexisonfire.
Trupa mea preferată, din toate punctele de vedere. Ocupă şi va ocupa locul 1 în topurile mele întotdeauna.

  • Gen(uri): Post-hardcore/Melodic Hardcore.
  • How they sound like: They describe their music as "the sound of two Catholic high-school girls in mid-knife-fight" (a reference to their song "A Dagger Through the Heart of St. Angeles", also the inspiration for their debut album cover art). When the band came out of the underground like an "utterly captivating car-accident-in-progress" in late 2001, it was enough to impress critics gold certification for their self-titled debut album and attain a gold certification for their self-titled debut album.

[George:] This town has its claws buried in my neck
This town, it takes lives, without mercy, without hate

The streets are in distress
The sun suffocates behind darkened skies

The grass is growing on top of my feet
I'm sinking, won't be long, before I'm too deep to run

The line up seems endless
Underneath the salvation signs.

We are the dead ones, we are the lost cause
We are the bend before the break. Our steps seal our fate.

Because this city, this city is haunted
By ghosts (ghosts) from broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
And there's no hope (hope) left for these souls (souls).

Every step I take I leave a small piece
Of myself behind. Soon there will be nothing left.

The cracks in the pavement,
Match the cracks in their weathered skin

The sky's a brick wall
The ground's a juggernaut
Each day they get a bit closer
Between them, I am caught.

I stare in amazement,
I can't believe this is where I live.

Every breath I take I feel my lungs seal
This breeze feels more like shards of glass I'm more scars than skin

Because this city, this city is haunted
By ghosts (ghosts) from broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
And there's no hope (hope) left for these souls (souls).

Our steps seal fate, our steps seal fate.

This is our celebration
Come join the lost souls

This city, this city is haunted.

Oh! Walk with us. Oh! Down. Walk with us.

This city, this city is haunted
By ghosts (ghosts) from broken homes (homes)
Because this city, this city is haunted
And there's no hope (hope) left for these souls (souls).

A man sits at his desk
One year from retirement,
And he's up for review
Not quite sure what to do.
Each passing year
The workload grows.

I'm always wishing, I'm always wishing too late
For things to go my way
It always ends up the same
(Count your blessings)
I must be missing, I must be missing the point
Your signal fades away and all I'm left with is noise
(Count your blessings on one hand)

So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight.
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life

Poor little tin man, still swinging his axe,
Even though his joints are clogged with rust.

My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away.
Safe in monotony, (so safe), day after day
(Count your blessings)
My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away.
Cold wind blows off the lake, and I know for sure that it's too late
(Count your blessings on one hand)

So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life.

Can't help but feel betrayed, punch the clock every single day
There's no loyalty and no remorse.
Youth sold for a pension cheque
And it makes him fucking sick
He's heating up, he can't say no


So wait up, I'm not sleeping alone again tonight,
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life.
(So wait up)
So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
Between the light and shallow waves is where I'm going to die
Wait up for me
Wait up for me
Wait up for me

Was I left behind?
Someone tell me, tell me I survived
And don't look so surprised
that I'm home, but just for tonight
With rough hands and sore eyes
So don't speak, I am tired
Let's just live through this lie

She says I swear too much
She says a lot of things
Well I'd swear every other word if I could
For her, I'll make an attempt

Sometimes love isn't about
how much someone suits you
But how much you're willing to change
to suit them

All my bones are dust
(two people too damaged too much too late)
And my heart sealed with rust
(two people too damaged too much too late)
These hands will always be rough
(two people too damaged too much too late)
I know this won't count for much
(two people too damaged too much too late)

One day my hands were too soft
One day she said, "I'm tired"
One day her clothes were on my floor
One day, empty bottles

I'm not saying she's my last
I'm just saying that she could have been
It doesn't matter how rough these hands get
It doesn't matter 'cause I'm not her man

Rough hands, rough days
Rough hands, rough nights
Rough hands, rough season
Rough hands, rough fights...

All my bones are dust (Rough hands, rough days)
(two people too damaged too much too late)
And my heart sealed with rust (Rough hands, rough season)
(two people too damaged too much too late)
These hands will always be rough (Rough hands, rough days)
(two people too damaged too much too late)
I know this won't count for much (Rough hands, rough season)
(two people too damaged too much too late)

I'm in a constant state of getting cut
So why don't I feel anything?

This is a violation

Maybe I forgot what it was like
Before it entered me

So this is what they call
Another endless night
So tired of believing
If this is wrong or right
I think this cause is lost
I wish that I could sleep
I feel like some kind of shadow
Another slave to the week
Imagine if we lived
Under the weather
We would never be found
Never discovered
If everything goes wrong
If it's one more endless night
You'll know there's always tomorrow
And tomorrow...[to fade]
You'll know there's always tomorrow
(You'll know, you'll know) tomorrow

And this knife, this knife
This is my most, this is my most, this is my most important appendage
This is my most, this is my most, this is my most important appendage

Tomorrow [x3]

So now that your whole world
Has gone up into flames
This night is still never ending
Do you think you're still safe?
Seems everything went wrong
We were discovered
But this time there's no tomorrow
And tomorrow [x3]

Tomorrow (And this knife, this knife)

And, a little side-note: Nu sunt, nu au fost, nu vor fi niciodată screamo/emo/emocore. Never.
Cine zice aşa ceva nu are nici cea mai mică idee despre ce vorbeşte.

I dream of hope

Well, a trecut ceva timp de când nu am mai trecut pe aici. Mă cuprinde o stare de nostalgie imensă, deci e ok să mă descarc aici, presupun. Când revin, mai mult ca sigur am senzaţia de repeat. Totul se repetă. Inclusiv melodia din winamp. Şi nu mă simt cu mult mai diferit decât în alte posturi negativiste, pesimiste, idioate şi menite să mă subaprecieze şi să mă transforme în cea mai insignifiantă persoană care a îndrăznit a păşii vreodata. Nu, de fapt nu au această menire posturile mele. Şi nici de a mă victimiza unui public larg şi anonim, sau a cuiva anume. De fapt, să-mi trag palme dacă ştiu adevărata menire a postărilor de pe acest blog. În sinea lor, sunt doar nişte porcării, acum serios, lăsând deoparte auto-critica extrem de exagerată care curge asemenea unui râu din mine. Nu mai înţeleg nimic. Nici nu prea pot să zic că e un fel de jurnal, nu obişnuiesc să recitesc decât atunci când caut greşeli. Mă chinui să scriu cu diacritice, nu sunt tocmai treaz şi cred că am răcit la plămâni. Asta primesc dacă fac de ani de zile numai duşuri reci. Şi mă simt aiurea, suspendat într-o parte, fără sprijin, fără nimic. Doar gol.

Poate într-o zi o să se aleagă ceva bun şi de mine. Şi o să fiu departe de a debita prostii pe aici.
Lipsa mea nu se datorează vreunui fapt important, nici vreunei revelaţii sau deşteptări, nu am scăpat de vreo frustrare interioară (nu că aş avea aşa ceva oricum). Ci doar mă simt destul de singur şi degeaba, poate aici mă voi asculta singur? Văd alte culori decât gri acum. Ştiu că nimic nu mai are sens.

Vreau să fie toamnă. Vreau să fie o toamnă ca înainte. Vreau să văd frunze aurii şi vreau să bat vântul lin. Să pot să mă plimb ore în şir fără vreun grij anume. Nu că aş avea aşa multe poveri de dus pe umeri, de genul unei responsabilităţi importante. Aş pute spune că am tot viitorul pus la punct, caz în care o să am aşa ceva. Nu sunt bun la mai nimic din toate domeniile care îmi plac. Nici nu ştiu ce aş mai putea face ca să umplu un gol mult mai mare decât mine, fie posibil sau nu acest lucru. Deocamdată muzica e singurul lucru capabil să mă scoată din realitate.

Pe de altă parte, îmi pare nespus de rău că am pierdut tocmai o persoană la care ţineam mult dintr-o.. prostie? Aş vrea să cadă toţi pereţii din jurul meu pe mine, să mă îngroape în cunoaştere şi să mă ţină acolo atâta vreme cât o să fie nevoie ca să îmi dau seama că nu câştig nimic dacă am orgoliu aşa mare. Because I miss talking to you.

O postare pline de nonsensuri şi goliciuni, dacă-ţi plac prostiile de genul ăsta, stand-by for more.

Daniel - Bat For Lashes

Daniel, when I first saw you
I knew that you had, a flame in your heart
And under wild blue sky
Marble movie skies
I found a home in your eyes
We'll never be apart.

And when the fires came
The smell of cinders and rain
Perfumed almost everything
We laughed and laughed and laughed…
And in a golden blue
Car you took me to, the darkest place you knew
And set fire to my heart

When I run in the dark (Daniel)
To a place that's lost (Daniel)
Under a sheet of rain in my heart (Daniel)
I dream of home

But in a goodbye bed
With my arms around your neck
Into our mouth the tears crept
Just kids in the eye of the storm
And as my house spun round
My dreams pulled me from the ground
Forever to search for the flame
For home again
(For) home again

When I run in the dark (Daniel)
(In)To a place that's lost (Daniel)
Under a sheet of rain in my heart (Daniel)
I dream of home

When I run in the dark (Daniel)
(In)To a place that's lost (Daniel)
Under a sheet of rain in my heart (Daniel)
I dream of home.